The commission began reviewing and rectifying their State House, State Senate, and Congressional district plans after completing their first set of drafts. Creating separate drafts of the original district plans, these edits aimed to rectify past issues of population deviation and ensure that minority communities are represented without being packed. One alternative Congressional district draft had a district to include both Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids in one district. An alternative State House plan, proposed by Commissioner Rothhorn, aimed to ensure that the Bengali and Yemeni populations had adequate representation in one district.

Meeting Information:
Youtube Link:
Date: 9/29/2021
Time: 9 AM – 5 PM
Commissioners Present:
- Doug Clark (R)
- Juanita Curry (D)
- Anthony Eid (N)
- Rhonda Lange (R)
- Steve Lett (N)
- M.C. Rothhorn (D)
- Cynthia Orton (R)
- Rebecca Szetela (N)
- Janice Vallette (N)
- Erin Wagner (R)
- Richard Weiss (N)
- Dustin Witjes (D)
Commissioners Absent:
- Brittini Kellom (D)
- Kim Brace, Kent Stigall, and John Morgan-Election Data Services (EDS)
- Bruce Adelson-VRA Litigation Counsel