Karla Swift - Board Chair

Karla Swift is a strategic organizer who understands how to move people, build power and make change. She brings experience from political, workplace and contract campaigns, including helping win candidate elections and ballot initiative campaigns; helping change anti-worker legislation and helping workers win collective bargaining rights.
Karla spent 30 years fighting for fairness and justice alongside UAW members. As immediate past President of the Michigan AFLCIO, Swift led the statewide federation of 59 affiliated labor unions in building unified, coordinated and strategic political organizing campaigns/programs to protect and advocate for the welfare and security of working families.
She is passionate about serving the movement of everyday people and prioritizes working on projects aimed at strengthening the instruments of power for everyday people and tilting the scales toward justice and equality. In her spare time she loves hiking, swimming, yoga and most of all, spending time with her new grandson.