Bonsitu Kitaba - Board Member

Bonsitu Kitaba-Gaviglio is the Deputy Legal Director at the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan, a 100-year-old civil rights organization dedicated to protecting the civil rights and liberties of everyone in the United States. At the ACLU, Bonsitu works on a range of cutting-edge civil rights cases including litigating on behalf of a class of Black homeowners in Detroit who were subjected to illegal tax foreclosures and Flint residents during the Flint Water Crisis to secure the replacement of all lead pipes in the city. Most recently, Bonsitu has led the ACLU's work to protect access to abortion in litigation and to enshrine the full spectrum of reproductive rights in our state constitution through the Reproductive Freedom for All ballot initiative. Bonsitu is a graduate of the University of Toronto and Wayne State University Law School. A Canadian native, Bonsitu now works and lives in Michigan with her two sons and partner.