The Headlines
A brand new legal filing in Agee v Benson is giving us a clearer picture of the next phase of this redraw process. Both parties in the case have agreed to a proposed timeline for the state senate redraw, which would see a final map approved by the end of July.
And Voters Not Politicians Education Fund (Voters Ed Fund) is continuing to build relationships and strengthen partnerships with key stakeholders in our My City Votes communities. This includes Muskegon Heights, where we recently joined with Black Wall Street of Muskegon to present a candidate forum ahead of the May 7th local elections.
The Details
- The plaintiffs and defendants in Agee v Benson jointly proposed this timeline for the Michigan Senate district redraw:
- The Commission shall submit and post newly drawn remedial plans no later than May 22, 2024
- The Commission shall provide for public comment, including at least one public hearing in Detroit, concluding no later than June 21, 2024
- The Commission shall adopt and submit a final remedial plan no later than June 27, 2024
- Plaintiffs must file any objections by July 5, 2024
- Defendants’ responses must be filed by July 12, 2024
- Reviewing Special Master report is due to be filed on the public docket by July 12, 2024
- Parties may file briefs commenting on the Reviewing Special Master’s report no later than July 19. 2024
- The Court will approve a remedial Senate plan no later than July 26, 2024.
- As part of the filing, the Commission asked that the Mapping Special Master not be engaged to draw alternative maps until after the Court’s ruling, to avoid additional costs. They point out that the Mapping Special Master’s work on the Michigan House plan, which was not used, resulted in an invoice of $40,125,, and that the senate redraw does not have the same looming candidate filing deadline. The plaintiffs indicate that they do not oppose this request.
My City Votes
- Black Wall Street of Muskegon, a Voters Ed Fund organizational partner, hosted a candidate forum on April 10th to educate voters on the three candidates running to fill a vacant seat on city council in Muskegon Heights’ May 7th special election.
- Voters Ed Fund was invited to sponsor the event, give a presentation on Proposal 22-2, and introduce our My City Votes program as well as the upcoming campaign we are planning in the city to boost turnout for the November 2024 election.
- Voters Ed Fund staff tabled at the event, shared informational handouts to the 40+ attendees, and built relationships with the Muskegon County Clerk and partner groups that will lead to involvement in future civic engagement events.

What’s Next
Voters Not Politicians is preparing to inform and engage the over 1.5 million Michiganders who will be impacted by the senate redraw. This engagement starts with our upcoming educational town hall on April 17th at 6 PM, where we will be joined by MICRC commissioners Anthony Eid, Cynthia Orton, and Brittni Kellom. Panelists will discuss Michigan’s unique redistricting process and the upcoming state senate map redraw.
Voters Ed Fund is continuing to strengthen and grow our community partnerships in My City Votes communities, and we are looking forward to hosting more events to boost civic engagement and voter turnout in these cities, which include Flint, Pontiac, Grand Rapids, and others.
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