The following can be attributed to Nancy Wang, Executive Director of Voters Not Politicians, on the passage of the Government Operations budget, cutting initial recommendations for the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission from $4.6 million to $3.2 million:
Legislative leadership is playing a shell game with the Secretary of State’s budget to take over $1 million in funding from the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission. Previously, they launched their attacks in state court, during lame duck, and, most recently, in federal court. Now, politicians are using the budget process to try to undermine the redistricting reform amendment approved by 2.5 million voters in 2018. We have stood up to these political games before, and we will continue to stand against any efforts to undermine the will of the people. We demand that our elected officials stop working to sabotage the Commission and instead start supporting the fair, impartial, and transparent redistricting process voters put in place.