Voters Not Politicians volunteers are extremely aware of how important our rights as citizens are, and how much work it takes to maintain those rights as well as our democracy. That is why they continue to take on unique and meaningful projects that further our pro-democracy movement.
In 2023, Voters Ed Fund launched one such project – Democracy Academy. Volunteers with Democracy Academy are helping to develop, test, and facilitate a curriculum for communities to learn about their municipal governments through Democracy Academy.

Verlecia K. from Lansing, is one such volunteer with Democracy Academy. She began volunteering with Voters Not Politicians in 2022, and did canvassing and event tabling for our Prop 2 (2022) campaign to expand voting access.
For Verlecia, the importance of this pro-democracy work is quite clear.
The work I’ve done with Voters Not Politicians is important to maintain democracy for all people in the United States and uphold the Constitutional rights afforded to all individuals. “We the people.”
Through her volunteer work with Voters Not Politicians, Verlecia is able to do that important work, while simultaneously having fun and meaningful life experiences.
I understand at my age time is not free, it is a gift. It is meant to be used for my life purpose, which is to educate, engage and empower.
A time that was meaningful is during a day of canvassing at the MSU Art Fair. I had spoken to several people opposed to Prop 2022, however many changed their minds once they understood it wasn’t going to infringe upon their voting rights.
My biggest surprise from volunteering with Voters Not Politicians has been the laughter shared with strangers.
And most importantly, through her work with Voters Not Politicians, Verlecia has learned more about herself, even as she works to educate and empower others.
Through volunteering with VNP I have a renewed appreciation for the generations of people whose shoulders that I stand on and lit my torch and now it is my turn. The question I ask myself is, “What are you going to do about IT?” All of us can do something big or small.
We are extremely proud of Vee and her work on our local team. Thank you for your dedication!
Well deserved recognition! Verlecia is a valued member of the Lansing team and a great spokesperson for the Lansing community. We’re lucky to have you!