Voters Not Politicians is continuing to grow our pro-democracy movement and our organization. Recently, we’ve had the pleasure of welcoming the Honorable Buzz Thomas, former Michigan state legislator and current public affairs consultant, to our Board of Directors!
As a public affairs professional with more than 25 years of experience, Buzz brings a unique perspective and voice to Voters Not Politicians’ Board of Directors. Buzz previously represented Detroit for 14 years in the Michigan Legislature, and is now the co-founder and President of Thomas Group Consulting, Inc. (TGC), a multi-client advocacy team committed to providing access, advancing business and engaging communities for select corporate, government and non-profit clients.
Although he joined the Board just this year, Buzz has been closely following Voters Not Politicians’ work beyond redistricting, and has already played a key role in supporting some impactful VNP programs, such as the Detroit Votes 2022 campaign.
I’ve been so impressed at the work passing Prop [18-2] and working closely with the team as it engaged the actual Commission it created. Seeing VNP so actively engaged in fighting anti-democracy laws and making the public aware of challenges [from] campaign finance to Moore v Harper [has been] very rewarding. My greatest satisfaction however, is working with Nancy as the fiduciary host for Detroit Votes – a project that educates and inspires low-propensity voters to participate in elections in Detroit.
Entering into this new era of serving on the Board, Buzz is looking forward to connecting his experience and professional relationships to Voters Not Politicians’ critical work.
I hope to be an active member of the board focused on organizational development and political strategy. Many of my clients work in Democracy with VNP – being able to offer perspective with multiple lenses should prove exciting. VNP is engaged in so much more [than redistricting]. Finding ways to engage the core of VNP volunteers in movement building is important.
Why does Buzz support the pro-democracy movement of Voters Not Politicians? To put it simply:
Democracies have failed throughout history. We must work and fight for ours to continue and be accessible to all people, not a chosen few.
Congrats to Voters Not Politicians for having Buzz Thomas join your Board. I have known Buzz since he was a “little kid” active in the Bagley School community where I taught. He is the best of the best!