Meet VNP’s Crafty State Field Director

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December 7, 2021 As the State Field Director, Kim Murphy-Kovalick sets targets for VNP programs, including voter contact, and makes sure that the VNP team is on track when it comes to canvassing, phonebanks, and grassroots engagement. If you have ever been on a volunteer Statewide Call or contacted your state legislator, then chances are […]

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Introducing the Voters Not Politicians Education Fund

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By Melissa Horste | December 7, 2021 You are already familiar with Voters Not Politicians, a remarkable citizen-led organization that mobilized 6,000 volunteers to do away with political gerrymandering. But you probably aren’t as familiar with the Count MI Vote Education Fund, VNP’s 501(c)3 affiliated organization that has been: Monitoring the Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission […]

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Freedom to Vote Volunteers Shift Tactics As Winter Approaches


By Rachel Diehl, Organizer for Regions 1 and 3, Student Program Coordinator | December 7, 2021 As the year (and decent weather) draws to a close for 2021, Voters Not Politicians is continuing full-steam ahead on its campaign to raise the alarm about the anti-voter Secure MI Vote petition. Gray skies, chilly winds, and early snow […]

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This ED has seen VNP grow before her very eyes

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November 8, 2021 Nancy Wang was one of the first volunteers to raise her hand on Facebook to answer the call to end partisan gerrymandering in Michigan. She led the policy committee that researched, elicited input from Michiganders at 30 town halls in 30 days, and networked with state and national experts in order to […]

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Michigan Is Showing the Nation a Great Example of Participatory Democracy

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By Connie Cook | November 8, 2021 The 6,000 VNP volunteers who helped pass Prop 2 in 2018 have a lot to be proud of. By ending partisan gerrymandering in Michigan, Prop 2 is guaranteeing that our district maps will preserve more communities and have more partisan balance than they would have had if constructed solely […]

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The Freedom to Vote Campaign is fighting anti-voter extremists on two fronts

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By Jamie Lyons-Eddy | November 8, 2021 Freedom to Vote Campaign Update The so-called “Secure MI Vote” petition, which would make voting harder and restrict funding for local elections, officially began circulating on October 8th. Meanwhile, both chambers of the Michigan legislature passed a package of bills that mirrored the language in the anti-voter petition. We […]

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This VNP staffer wears so many hats he should open a millinery

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October 5, 2021 If you have volunteered with VNP, then chances are you have crossed paths with Charlie Beall. Charlie is a proud flatlander from Central Illinois, but we will forgive him of that minor transgression because, after all, the Midwest is best. Charlie’s official title at VNP is Data & Targeting Director, which involves […]

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Volunteer SuperStar Shawn Manley Wants Your Help

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October 5, 2021 VNP Volunteer Shawn Manley was born and raised in Detroit. He is a bike enthusiast and passionate about his community. Shawn volunteers for a variety of organizations, including the Detroit Receiving Board as an elections worker and a dialysis support group, which he leads. Shawn has been volunteering with VNP since 2018 […]

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VNP needs your eyes on this anti-voter petition and warn everyone you know to decline to sign

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By Kim Murphy-Kovalick | October 5, 2021 The GOP-supported “Secure MI Vote” group received form and summary approval from the Board of State Canvassers on September 27, an administrative step that clears the way for them to collect signatures on the petition. Their circulators are expected to be in the field with petitions at any moment. […]

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Why I Give

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By Steve Dobson | September 9, 2021 I’m a lifelong Michigander, and my hazy memories from junior high school Civics class include wondering why flagrant gerrymandering was allowed to warp our elections.  Fast forward 60 years, I became aware of VNP during the Proposal 2 ballot initiative in 2018 and heard about a young woman […]

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