The commission has decided to move forward with interviewing Fink-Bressack for the role of Local Counsel. This was the Local Counsel Subcommittee’s sole recommendation to the rest of the MICRC. Two additional firms, James Lancaster and Honigman, had also applied but were disqualified. James Lancaster did not qualify due to scoring too low on the Request For Proposal (RFP), and Honigman did not qualify because they did not fill out the RFP, but instead only a letter of intent.
The commission also continued to draft State House districts throughout Southeast Michigan, extending out of Detroit to Dearborn and Downriver. The commissioners frequently consulted VRA Litigation Counsel Bruce Adelson to ensure that communities of color were neither “cracked” nor “packed” by the districts.

Meeting Information:
Youtube Link:
Date: 9/21/2021
Time: 9 AM – 6 PM
Commissioners Present:
- Doug Clark (R)
- Anthony Eid (N)
- Brittini Kellom (D)
- Rhonda Lange (R)
- Steve Lett (N)
- M.C. Rothhorn (D)
- Cynthia Orton (R)
- Rebecca Szetela (N)
- Janice Vallette (N)
- Richard Weiss (N)
- Dustin Witjes (D)
Commissioners Absent:
- Juanita Curry (D)
- Erin Wagner (R)
- Kim Brace, Kent Stigall, and John Morgan-Election Data Services (EDS)
- Bruce Adelson-VRS Litigation Counsel