The commission has finished drawing most of the State House and Senate districts in the western Michigan regions, including parts of Grand Rapids, Muskegon, and the surrounding suburbs. The commission also had a lengthy discussion on preserving lakeshore Communities of Interest.

Meeting Information:
Youtube Link:
Meeting Date: 8/31/2021
Meeting Time: 10 AM – 5 PM
Commissioners Present:
- Doug Clark (R)
- Juanita Curry (D)
- Anthony Eid (N)
- Brittini Kellom (D)
- Rhonda Lange (R)
- Steve Lett (N)
- Cynthia Orton (R)
- M.C. Rothhorn (D)
- Janice Vallette (N)
- Erin Wagner (R)
- Richard Weiss (N)
- Dustin Witjes (D)
Commissioners Absent:
- Rebecca Szetela (N)
- Kim Brace, Doug Morgan, and Ryan Taylor-Election Data Services (EDS)