After drawing draft State Senate district lines in Southeast Michigan, the Commission continued drawing district lines in the Tri-Cities region which surrounds Midland, Bay City, and Saginaw. Provided with additional data from Election Data Services’s updated mapping software, the Commission began reconciling its current State Senate district maps alongside data that showed both the racial makeup of each district and election results with racial minority candidates. The Commission will use this data to “unpack” majority-minority voting districts and preserve the voting power of minority voting populations.

Meeting Information:
Youtube Link:
Meeting Date: 9/14/2021
Meeting Time: 10 AM – 5 PM
Commissioners Present:
- Doug Clark (R)
- Juanita Curry (D)
- Rhonda Lange (R)
- Brittini Kellom (D)
- Steve Lett (N)
- Cynthia Orton (R)
- M.C. Rothhorn (D)
- Rebecca Szetela (N)
- Janice Vallette (N)
- Richard Weiss (N)
- Dustin Witjes (D)
Commissioners Absent:
- Anthony Eid (N)
- Erin Wagner (R)
- Kent Stigall-Election Data Services
- Bruce Adelson-VRA Litigation Counsel
Thank you, Commissioners! Michigan will reap the rewards of your hard work.