The MICRC voted today to approve one of their State Senate draft maps to publish prior to their second round of public hearings by a 5-4 vote. This was voted upon after commissioners spent the morning making edits to correct for partisan fairness, going against the commission’s original plan to determine which draft maps would move forward next Monday. Michiganders can view and comment on the approved draft State Senate plan (named 10-08-21 v1 SD) here. The commissioners will confirm additional State Senate, House, and Congressional district maps on Monday.
The commission continued making changes to their State House and Congressional district maps as well to achieve partisan fairness. Such changes include Commissioner Lange altering Szetela’s State House district that combined Midland and Saginaw, and Szetela altering the Congressional districts to keep Southern Oakland county cities together.

Meeting Information:
Youtube Link:
Date: Thursday, October 8th, 2021
Time: 9 AM – 4:30 PM
Commissioners Present:
- Doug Clark (R)
- Anthony Eid (N)
- Brittini Kellom (D)
- Rhonda Lange (R)
- Steve Lett (N)
- M.C. Rothhorn (D)
- Cynthia Orton (R)
- Rebecca Szetela (N)
- Janice Vallette (N)
- Richard Weiss (N)
- Dustin Witjes (D)
Commissioners Absent:
- Juanita Curry (D)
- Erin Wagner (R)
- Kim Brace, Kent Stigall, and John Morgan-Election Data Services (EDS)
- Bruce Adelson-VRA Litigation Counsel