Why We Canvass

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By Jamie Lyons-EddyDeputy Director, Voters Not Politicians Why do we knock doors? Because there is no better way to reach voters! Having a face-to-face conversation that ends with making a voting plan is the best way to turn out sporadic voters. There’s nothing like a real, in-person conversation, especially with volunteers like ours, who are […]

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Voters Ed Fund is Helping Communities Get Out and Vote!

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The Voters Not Politicians Education Fund is excited to start October with two impactful projects to educate voters across Michigan and encourage them to participate in the 2022 Midterm General Election on Tuesday, November 8th. My City Votes 2022 and the MichiganDropBox.com Outreach Campaign will focus on bringing the best and most relevant voter education […]

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VNP Veteran Seeks Newcomers to the Board

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As Voters Not Politicians continues to expand and evolve, we’re always working to grow our circle of volunteers and supporters. Board member Ed Aboufadel recognizes that our Board of Directors should be just as diverse as the Michiganders we represent. He’s working to help make that happen. When Ed first joined the Board of Voters […]

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Voters Not Politicians’ Pro-Voter Endorsements!

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In case you missed the announcement last month, Voters Not Politicians completed the evaluation process and chose 58 candidates to receive a Pro-Voter endorsement! Voting is fundamental to representative government; it is essential that elections are accessible to all who take the time and responsibility to cast their ballots.  Our path to these endorsements started […]

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Gearing up to Protect Our Elections: Become a Poll Challenger Today!

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In partnership with Promote the Vote’s Election Protection Program, the Voters Ed Fund is launching a full-scale Non-Partisan Poll Challenger and Observer Recruitment Program for the November 8th General Election! We are committed to recruiting and training volunteers to protect voters’ rights and help keep Michigan’s elections safe, free, fair, and transparent.  Voters Ed Fund’s […]

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Restoring Political Power to the People: The Secret to Our Success

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Voters Not Politicians volunteers collected 171,636 signatures, overshooting our commitment to the coalition effort and ensuring that Promote the Vote 2022 will qualify for the statewide ballot. What’s the “secret sauce” that allows Voters Not Politicians volunteers to do so much extraordinary work across the state? Our success can be directly attributed to our training, […]

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Michigandropbox.com launches for the November General Election

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By Charlie Beall After six weeks of intense development, the Voters Ed Fund proudly announces that Michigandropbox.com is now live and available to Michigan voters! Drop boxes can eliminate barriers for some voters who can rest easy knowing their ballot was received in time to be counted. Now voters across the state will have an […]

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Meet an all-around, all of the above VNP volunteer

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Voters Not Politicians relies on all types of supporters to do the difficult work of protecting democracy. That includes donors, board members, volunteers, and more. And some supporters, like Jeff Padden, do all of the above! Jeff first got started with Voters Not Politicians back in 2016, before it even was Voters Not Politicians! In […]

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Nights and Weekends: Celebrations and Expansions!

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By Alyson Grigsby Our Nights and Weekends program is expanding to more cities this year after starting our clerk engagement work in 2019! Building on the success of Promote the Vote 2018 (2018’s Proposal 3), we are working to expand convenient voting services in clerk’s offices across the state.  Even after the passage of Proposal […]

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Leading the Way in Circulating


By Melinda Billingsley Next week, when the Promote the Vote 2022 coalition submits their petition signatures, over 170,000 of them will have come from Voters Not Politicians volunteer circulators.  From micro-circulators to super-circulators to our top five on the leaderboard, along with every volunteer and staff member who supports them, Voters Not Politicians has been […]

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