Spotlight: Brand New Volunteer Becomes a Leader (and a Liaison)

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Voters Not Politicians volunteers come from all walks of life, and bring unique backgrounds and perspectives to their work. Alecia B., a Legislative Liaison volunteer and team leader in Troy, is a perfect example of that.  Alecia was born and raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and joined VNP’s army of volunteers just this year!  As a […]

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Blog: Prop 22-2 Implementation Begins in Local Communities!

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Thousands of Voters Not Politicians volunteers worked hard to pass Proposal 22-2 last year. Now all future elections in our state will be more accessible, secure, and modern than ever before. Amending the state constitution was challenging, but more work is needed to ensure Prop 22-2 is implemented in the spirit in which it was approved.

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Blog: Legislative Liaisons Already at Work!

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Now that Prop 22-2 is enshrined in the Michigan constitution, the Secretary of State’s office, local and county clerks, and advocacy organizations including Voters Not Politicians are hard at work to make sure the changes voters supported last November are implemented successfully.

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Spotlight: A New Board Member with a Familiar Face

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Voters Not Politicians is continuing to grow our pro-democracy movement and our organization. Recently, we’ve had the pleasure of welcoming the Honourable Buzz Thomas, former Michigan state legislator and public affairs consultant, to our Board of Directors! Although he joined the Board just this year, Buzz is no stranger to advancing democracy with VNP.

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Blog: Volunteering at Events Where Democracy and Diversity Converge

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Voters Not Politicians was very intentional in our community outreach in 2022, particularly during the circulation phase of our successful Proposal 2 campaign to protect voting rights. Regional Organizers sought out spaces like Pride festivals, Juneteenth celebrations, and other cultural events where our volunteers could reach a broader demographic of Michigan voters. Many volunteers who […]

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Blog: Partnerships that Uplift All Voters

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Kermit Williams, Co-Director of Oakland Forward, represents one of several local activist groups that Voters Ed Fund partnered with this year. Throughout the year, Voters Ed Fund worked with Oakland Forward to mobilize volunteers and community members towards increasing voter education and participation in underrepresented communities in Oakland County.  Oakland Forward is an African American-led […]

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Why We Canvass – From the Voices of Volunteers

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You know by now how important this election is, and what Voters Not Politicians is doing to protect our democracy as pro-voters advocates. But do you know why hundreds of our volunteers are working so hard to support pro-democracy reforms and candidates right now?  Here is why our volunteers put so many hours into canvassing […]

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7 Days Left: Our Election Accomplishments (So Far)

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We are in the home stretch of this election cycle. Everyone is tired, but on November 9th we don’t want to have any doubts about whether we could have done more.  Let’s take a quick look at what we’ve accomplished so far, then at what needs to be done in the next week (Hint: lots […]

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Bringing Experience in Action to VNP’s Board

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Voters Not Politicians boasts an impressive track record of success and leadership when it comes to voting rights reforms in Michigan. And we’re proud to say that Board Member Dana Thompson boasts the same level of proven experience and leadership in public service and community building.  Dana Thompson first learned about Voters Not Politicians during […]

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Why We Canvass

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By Jamie Lyons-EddyDeputy Director, Voters Not Politicians Why do we knock doors? Because there is no better way to reach voters! Having a face-to-face conversation that ends with making a voting plan is the best way to turn out sporadic voters. There’s nothing like a real, in-person conversation, especially with volunteers like ours, who are […]

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