Spotlight: New Staffer Hopes to Add to the Passion of Our People-Powered Movement

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As the leading pro-democracy, grassroots group in Michigan, Voters Not Politicians has achieved amazing results through direct democracy – taking issues directly to the ballot and letting voters decide. But as we’ve evolved as an organization, we’ve recognized that lawmakers in Lansing are also looking to us for leadership on pro-democracy issues. We want to […]

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Blog: Why VNP’s Leadership Matters in the Legislature 

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May and June saw some incredible movement on pro-voter legislation in Lansing, with most of the “Prop 2” implementation bills moving through Michigan’s State House and Senate and awaiting Governor Whitmer’s signature. This marks a historic moment for Michigan and a new era for pro-voter, pro-democracy legislation in Lansing. Michigan is garnering attention nationwide for […]

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Blog: Empty Chairs at Empty Tables: Why it’s so hard to find a coffee hour with your legislator

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With the new pro-democracy majority in Lansing, Voters Not Politicians realized this legislative session was the perfect opportunity to launch a new volunteer program: Legislative Liaisons. These volunteers meet directly with their elected officials in the MI House and Senate to advocate for Voters Not Politicians’ legislative priorities, such as election funding and ethics reform. […]

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Blog: Advocating Our Priorities at Every Level

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Voters Not Politicians staff and volunteers have been busy! At the beginning of this year we identified three key  priorities, and have been working with the legislature to advance these reforms: Check out our progress: Volunteer legislative liaisons have attended more than 70 in-district coffee hours to discuss priority legislation with their senators and representatives. […]

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Spotlight: Lansing Volunteer Helps Launch Democracy Academy


Voters Not Politicians volunteers are extremely aware of how important our rights as citizens are, and how much work it takes to maintain those rights as well as our democracy. That is why they continue to take on unique and meaningful projects that further our pro-democracy movement.  In 2023, Voters Ed Fund launched one such […]

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Spotlight: Students Not Politicians Volunteer Inspires the Next Generation of Activists

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In our Students Not Politicians program, volunteers like Linda S. in Ann Arbor have taken on new and innovative roles as they work with students to improve voting access and voter engagement on college campuses across Michigan.  Linda first began volunteering with Voters Not Politicians in 2017, during our campaign to end partisan gerrymandering in […]

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Spotlight: Clerk Engagement Volunteer is Working to Finish the Job

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As Voters Not Politicians has evolved as an organization, we’ve worked with our volunteers to keep them engaged and continue the momentum of our pro-democracy movement. That’s why we make sure our volunteers stay engaged with our pro-democracy reform initiatives not just during the petition phase but all of the way through implementation.  Mike K. […]

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Spotlight: Brand New Volunteer Becomes a Leader (and a Liaison)

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Voters Not Politicians volunteers come from all walks of life, and bring unique backgrounds and perspectives to their work. Alecia B., a Legislative Liaison volunteer and team leader in Troy, is a perfect example of that.  Alecia was born and raised in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and joined VNP’s army of volunteers just this year!  As a […]

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Blog: Prop 22-2 Implementation Begins in Local Communities!

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Thousands of Voters Not Politicians volunteers worked hard to pass Proposal 22-2 last year. Now all future elections in our state will be more accessible, secure, and modern than ever before. Amending the state constitution was challenging, but more work is needed to ensure Prop 22-2 is implemented in the spirit in which it was approved.

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Blog: Legislative Liaisons Already at Work!

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Now that Prop 22-2 is enshrined in the Michigan constitution, the Secretary of State’s office, local and county clerks, and advocacy organizations including Voters Not Politicians are hard at work to make sure the changes voters supported last November are implemented successfully.

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