VNP Weekly Update: February 9, 2024

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The Headlines The MICRC has officially opened up the portal for public comment on the 10 sets of draft maps for House Districts 1, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, and 14. The public comment period will run through Friday, February 23rd.  Professor of Economics Jon Eguia produced this extremely informative analysis of the final draft […]

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Newsletter: Supporting Redistricting and Preparing for Elections

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February 7, 2024 | Volume 6, No. 2 Hi friend, February is finally upon us! We had quite an exciting and jam-packed January at Voters Not Politicians, and I’m looking forward to sharing some of the highlights in this newsletter. On the redistricting front, the MICRC has just begun the public comment period on their […]

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Tasked with Building Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into Every Part of Our Organization

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In 2021, Voters Not Politicians established a staff DEI Task Force to help us better meet our commitment to creating a space for activism that is welcoming and accessible to all in our movement to build a better democracy in Michigan.  Hear about the work our DEI Task Force is doing from the members themselves.  […]

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It’s Time to Finally Expand Our Freedom of Information Act

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When Michigan’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) was enacted in 1977, it contained huge loopholes which have prevented full access to government records. The legislative branch as well as the Office of the Governor and Lt. Governor are exempted from FOIA requirements that apply to state agencies.  We are a national outlier. Only two states, […]

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VNP Weekly Update: February 2, 2024

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The Headlines Today is the court-ordered deadline for the MICRC (Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission) to submit their final draft maps for public comment. Yesterday, the commission worked hard to improve VRA compliance in three existing maps and voted to move nine collaborative maps forward for public comment. Unfortunately, they did not move forward the […]

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VNP Weekly Update: January 26, 2024

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The Headlines This week we saw a lot of progress in a fairly short time from the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission! Commissioners worked together to produce several sets of reconfigured maps. The commission has also put forward maps produced by MSU’s IPPSR and the Promote the Vote coalition for analysis and comment, as Voters […]

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VNP Weekly Update: January 19, 2024

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Hi Team, In this week’s update, we have the latest from the MICRC’s remapping process and highlights of our concurrent pro-democracy work.  The Headlines This week the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission began the process of redrawing State House districts 1, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 14, after a federal court invalidated those districts […]

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VNP Weekly Update: January 12, 2024

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Hey Team, Welcome to the Voters Not Politicians’s new Weekly Update email series! Every Friday, we will share important updates to keep you informed on the latest news from VNP. We want to keep these updates efficient and effective, so let’s get right to it: The Headline Last month, a panel of federal judges ruled […]

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Meet Our New My City Votes Deputy Campaign Manager

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The My City Votes 2022 campaign, sponsored by Voters Ed Fund, empowered over a million voters in 6 cities with information about their voting options and positive messaging about the importance of their political power at the ballot box. In 2023, we began laying the groundwork to expand this successful voter outreach program to reach […]

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Preparing for Our First Pro-Voter Endorsements of 2024


Voters Not Politicians is preparing for a big election year, with six total elections. While there will certainly be a lot of attention paid to presidential candidates, we must remember that every member of the Michigan House of Representatives is up for reelection in 2024. For every election since 2020, Voters Not Politicians has assembled […]

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